Thursday 12 December 2013

Submit your idea for Harrison's Facilities

The Forestry Commission want to hear your ideas about the facilities at Birchden Woods (the toilet block and campsite at Harrison's Rocks) on viable alternatives for when the lease expires next November 2014.

The Forestry Commission are holding on-going discussions with Sport England and the BMC. The Forestry Commission do not have the resources to manage the facilities and unless a viable alternative is found, then it is most likely the toilets and campsite will close.

The different options considered would be ideas such as a community group running the facilities who can raise funds for cleaning and maintenance. Any proposals would  need to be financially viable and adhere to set standards.

You can 'submit an idea' by visiting the Forestry Commission website HERE

What Happens Next?

The initial discussion will continue until the 10th of January 2014 and once they have considered the comments they will decide how to progress.  Depending upon the level of responses to this process the Forestry Commission aim to publish their findings and proposals by 24th of January 2014 on the Forestry Commission webpage.