Tuesday 6 May 2014

Sandstone Open Meeting - Sunday 18th May 2014

The next Sandstone Open Meeting will be held on: 

Sunday 18th May 2014, 7pm at the Bowles Outdoor Centre.

The meeting will take place in the bar area with free buffet food provided by the BMC. 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Directions: As you walk up towards the rocks from the car park, take the first turning on the left just passed the swimming pool. Take the outside staircase to the upper bar on the first floor.

The main items on the agenda will be:
  • Update on the Birchden Wood CIC regarding the toilets and campsite at Harrison's Rocks.
  • Proposals for resin work to the rocks.
  • Other Developments and items of interest and concern..

Venue address:
Sandhill Lane
Eridge Green
Tunbridge Wells

The report from the last meeting on 6th October 2013 can be found HERE.