Firstly Andy Mepham has very kindly redirected both www.southernsandstone.co.uk
We are very grateful for this and his support support of the sandstone climbing community. Andy built up his website many moons ago and perhaps it was in some ways a precursor to some of the things you see on UKClimbing today. Now with this new move regarding web traffic it will help create even more awareness of the SSC website and in turn climbing in general on Southern Sandstone.
Also recently The HRMG and Climbing Areas pages have both seen face lifts. The HRMG page has had a number of photos added, and the climbing areas page has had a rebuild to accommodate a new map of sandstone crags as well as clear UKC links to the crag pages.
The Equipment page has also gone live with items specific to sandstone and descriptions as to their usage. This is a developing area as we start to fine-tune kit that is perhaps the best for people to use.