Wednesday 24 September 2014

Unstable block at Isolated Buttress Harrison’s Rocks - Do not use

Unstable block at Isolated Buttress Harrison’s Rocks. Do not use.

The boulder used to step on and off the isolated boulder was moving this week and has been reported as dangerous. The boulder is shifting towards the passage and rocks when stepped on.

There was no alternative but to break it up. However it is a big boulder and extra tools will be needed to break it up completely. The front of the boulder has been smashed off to make it more or less unusable for crossing. There is now a warning sign in place. More volunteers plan to go back on Friday and finish the job.

(c) Evolution Climbing Wall
All this means is that there will be no easy way to get onto the buttress, the alternatives are to cross via the jammed boulder or to solo a route, but what must not happen is for people to throw ropes over like they used to do and belay some one up causing rope groves in the rock. In the past there were calls for a bridge and this may now be the best solution. Your views and opinions matter and can be discussed at the open meeting on Sunday 5th October.