Work to be done near the area around the fallen tree (The Sewer Area):
- Clearance work
- Move felled timber
- Clearing gullies
- Cleaning of routes on the crag
The benefits of the work is paying off, with stabilisation of the footpaths below the crag, and the footpaths leading up to the crag itself. There has also been a lot of work done to discourage people from walking over certain areas, allowing for only established footpaths to be used. Clearing of overgrown routes (with care and caution) will open up new routes for all of us to climb.
Bring with you any gardening tools you may find useful; saws, shovels, spades, pruners, buckets, wheel barrows, gardening gloves etc, and wear warm clothing which you do not mind getting wet and muddy.
Graham Adcock is once again heading up the operation and any attendees need to quickly drop Graham an email stating
which day you want to help: adcock@clara.net
People will meet in the car park for 9:30am, or if you arrive later, will meet at the fallen tree area at the crag.