Monday 19 December 2016

SVG Weekend 26th & 27th of November 2016

Photography by Amy Wiggins
There was a big turn out of approximately 25 people at the Harrison's Rocks volunteering weekend on 26th & 27th November 2016.  Now year 5 of the woodland management plan, compartment E was worked on; the area between Long Layback and Pig Tail, including Slim Finger Crack.

Tree clearance had been done the week before and help was needed to clear the cut wood from the woodland floor. This work will hopefully allow new flora and fauna to thrive and allow more light to the crag itself, allowing it to dry out.

The clearance of the cut wood was quickly dealt with so other areas could be attended to. The area near North Boulder was cleared of brambles at the base and at the top of the nearby crags, hopefully opening up these routes once again to climbers. The paths which needed attention also where dealt with.

A very productive weekend, and a very big thank you for everyone who volunteered.