Thursday 11 June 2020

Southern Sandstone Top Roping - BMC Video

A new BMC Video has been released to help you learn how to protect the unique Southern Sandstone crags when you're climbing. 

The BMC state the following for the Video.

"Southern Sandstone is very soft rock. There's no lead climbing, as that would damage the rock too much. If you're top roping, you need to take special care to prevent your ropes wearing grooves in the top of the crag. 

1. When top roping, use a non-stretch belay rope and sling 
2. Make sure the karabiner hangs over the edge of the crag 
3. Make sure moving ropes do not come into contact with the rock 
4. Clean your shoes before starting each climb 
5. Walk off when you have finished a climb, do not lower off or abseil 
6. Keep chalk use to a minimum

DOWNLOAD the Code of Practice.