Sunday 26 October 2014

Isolated Buttress Access

The step across to Isolated Buttress was deemed unsafe earlier this year. It was moving a considerable amount to raise concerns with the Harrison's Management Group. A quick decision had to be made and it was decided that part of the step-across boulder was to be demolished to stop anyone else stepping across and moving the boulder to possibly dislodge any further.
The destroyed block.

New temporary rope access.
At both the Southern Sandstone Open Meeting and the Harrison's Management Group Meeting, the main concern was potential damage climbers could do to the rock if they could not easily get off the Isolated Buttress and if they decided to lower-off or abseil back down.

Ideas were put forward for potential new access to the boulder. These ideas included:
- A bridge
- Ropes
- A half bridge to deter general public from accessing the buttress
- A springboard
- An artificial replacement boulder
- Ladders

The most popular idea was the ladder idea. These would be
situated on either side of the jammed boulder and this suggestion had been popular at the Open Meeting and was the preferred option of the Harrison's Rocks Management Group as well. Although if adding ladders, consideration would have to be made so they do not obstruct the 3-star 'Boulder Bridge Route' and bolts would have to be tested to see if they would hold a ladder in place.

In the short term ropes have been placed to aid access. Please use at your own risk.
Beauty lies within. The insides of the sandstone block. 

  • Do not lower-off
  • Do not Abseil
  • Reverse lines or use the current rope aided way off the block.