Monday 28 February 2022

Harrison's Work Day Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th March 2022 - Volunteers Needed

A new sector has been cut at Harrison's as well as trees that were blown down in the recent storm. The Harrison’s Rocks Management Group (HRMG) are asking for help with the clearance work on Saturday 12th March 2022 and Sunday 13th March 2022.

There will be a nominated event coordinator on each day – Adrian Paisey on Sat the 12th and TBA on Sunday 13th March 2022. Please report to them in the car park prior to the event briefing and also ensure that if you arrive later, you report to them before starting any work.

The plan is to meet in the car park at Harrison’s at 09:30 on each day where there will be a full briefing, explaining what work is to be done, where the work is and giving a full safety briefing. The last part is important and particularly so for those who may join later. If that applies to you, please find the person in charge before starting any work.

The work will consist of clearing the arisings from the tree cutting, moving the trunks to habitat piles or where they are required for revetment work and lining footpaths with the brash.
There may also be other work cutting back Sycamore, Birch and other saplings that have re-grown in areas cut in previous years and any new or replacement revetment work that is required.

Consequently, there is plenty to be done and a good turnout would be very much appreciated.
Parking is £4 a day at Harrison’s and it would help if you could share transport. The BMC will cover reasonable parking costs – please retain your ticket and let the person in charge on the day have them after the day’s work so that we can recover the costs.

If you have a bowsaw, loppers, pruners etc. please bring them along but there is plenty of work to be done that doesn’t require tools.
Old clothes and boots, gardening gloves and waterproofs if it’s wet. Please don’t wear your best ‘Arcteryx’ gear! Bring a packed lunch and a drink, please!
We will have a first aider on site both days but if you have first aid qualifications, please let the day’s event coordinator know.