Monday 23 March 2020

COVID-19 - Southern Sandstone - Update



Crag/Rocks - Closed
Campsite - Closed
Toilet Facilities - Closed
Carpark - Closed

Crag/Rocks - Closed

Bowles Rocks - Closed

Do not - Travel unless it's essential.
Do not - Go climbing or hill walking. 
Avoid - All but essential contact with anyone.

Do - Keep a social distancing of 2 meters at all times.
Do - Stay local.

BMC Statement
The BMC advice to all climbers and hill walkers is now simple: climbing and hill walking are not activities requiring essential travel. Stay local, and put your climbing and hillwalking on hold. This applies to all types of climbing and mountain activities, from bouldering to ski mountaineering.
More information from the BMC article can be found here.

SSC Statement 
It’s been a fairly big eye opener this weekend for COVID-19 self-isolation methods. The fantasy that the crags would be quiet were destroyed with overcrowding on the crags, roads, small villages and towns close to them.  

Regrettably this has meant that social distancing for these recreational activities has fallen flat on its face. 

With the current situation, climbing communities across the world are pulling together to help stop the spread of this virus. Indoor walls have closed and those wanting to venture outside are now taking a stand to help promote the stay at home policy. 

There has understandably been discussions concerning southern sandstone and access to the rocks in recent days to help control the potential spread. Now we ask all climbers to stay at home. This item will be used for updates for all access for COVID-19.

UKClimbing Statement
"Though the weather is finally fine, and we feel the urge to get out as much as anyone, we at UKClimbing believe that all climbing should now cease, and we will be promoting that message loud and clear". 

UKC Logbooks - Restriction
The following information is now being published on all UK logbooks

"Due to the ongoing spread of Covid-19, please abstain from climbing outside.

At UKC we are all climbers and we understand the strong urge to be outdoors as the weather is finally improving, but we feel this is no longer socially acceptable. You can read our statement here.

We have suspended the UKC Logbooks Top Ascents and Conditions pages and we will no longer accept ascents dated from 23rd March onwards. You can still upload your historic ascents.

UKClimbing Team"