Thursday 19 March 2020

Harrison's Rocks Campsite - Closed (Covid-19)

The Harrison's Rocks campsite was due to re-open on the 1st April 2020 but will now remain closed until further notice due to advice given concerning the implications of Covid-19. 

Kate Harris of the Forestry Commission noted the following:

"We had been working on the basis that the campsite would reopen of the 1st April.  In light of recent developments however, and to ensure that we are meeting guidance regarding social distancing, I have been instructed to keep the campsite shut."

However, the Forestry Commission are still planning to have the car park open for the longer summer hours as of the 1st April even if the campsite is closed. This also includes the toilet facilities which are open.

The proposed gate closures for the summer months will be 10pm as of the 1st April 2020.