Monday 7 June 2021

Stone Farm - Bolting Work - 05.06.2021

On the 5th of June 2021 work commenced on the installation of 6 sets of bolts above the Cat Wall area of Stone Farm. Since the removal of the rotten tree stumps above Cat Wall and Pine Buttress on the 15th September 2019 there has been no anchor points for top roping.

The area around where the tree stumps had been needed time to dry out and over winter the area sees less use. But then COVID happened and put significant delays to the bolting work for a number of reasons: Being locked down and additionally a major shortage of required PPE. Below are images and notes concerning the bolts.

1. Moss Wall Left Block - Moss Wall - RF Page 452
An unusual set on this often forgotten wall but, most often this is because it is imposable to set up a rope and as such never climbed. Moss Wall Centre was also planned, but it is currently in a bad way due to tree sap erosion. 


2. Cat Wall - Cat Wall - RF Page 456
A straightforward install covering climbs like Cat Wall and FooFoo 

3. Stone Farm Crack - Pine Buttress - RF Page 457
To compliment the removal of one of the rotten tree stumps. 

4. Pine Buttress - Pine Buttress - RF Page 457
To cover all the Pine Buttress climbs on this wall. 

5. Pine Crack - Pine Buttress - RF Page 457
Situated to the left of the crack but positioned so that the sling drops down into the crack its self. Many happy climbers when this was installed. 

6. The Face - Pine Buttress - RF Page 457
Covers the climb 'The Face' and also supports The Ramp to a point.